I have been using Happy Call Pan (Handle with hole) for about 1 month plus. Then I ordered another one for my sister from Gmarket. It was delivered to my doorstep. She asked me to check the pan. Once I open it, the first thing I noticed was the handle without hole. I mentioned to her, saying it was different from my previous one. She said the Happy Call Handle without hole is the old model.
Heard a lots about Fake Happy Call, so I am quite concerned. I search through the internet, found quite lots of interesting blog about it.
After comparing with the pictures... I am convinced my new happy call pan (handle without hole) is genuine. The one without hole is the old version, normally it will be slightly cheaper than the new Happy Call pan handle with hole. But most seller will sell it at the same price. The Happy Call Pan from Lejel come without hole.
The Size for both is the same. The Words 'Happy Call' on the handle is smaller on the handle with hole.
The Happy Call Pan handle with hole has smaller words / code on the inside handle.
Can't see any difference for the oil tray.
Words printed on Happy Call handle with hole is 'Made in Korea' Original
Whereas Words printed on Happy Call handle without hole is 'Made in Korea' Original AA11
The boxes are different as well.
Happy Call Pan handle with hole is on the left side. More wording and send from Korea by Korean Air.Whereas the second box (Happy Call handle without hole) should be in Singapore for quite some times.
Some Tips below on how the fake happy call pan look like.
Genuine Happy Call sticker pasted inside the pan with clear R inside the circle not red dot.
The Fake one shown below. The shape of the oil tray hole is different from the original one. The genuine one is oval not square.
Fake Silicone Seal come in bright red colour whereas the original one lighter.
The fake one, the word 'Made in Korea' printed very near to the edge. Part of it even covered.